Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Weekly Favourites [30/12/2015]

Hello everyone!
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
I still can't believe its over and done with though. 2016 is creeping in now...

Here are my Weekly favourites :)

Free Filofax Inserts
[I've been looking for Filofax inserts since I brought a new Filofax Domino Patent Personal Organiser in Turquoise]         

Watched YouTube videos

Click on the 'INDEX' tab to see all blog posts!

Please check out my book:
My Life in a Book
Follow me on Instagram: (New account) Cherryblossomtreeuk
Say Hello to me on Facebook: Stephanie Stephenson

Come join the Facebook group 'Swap a box around the world'!

Thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Stickers - Show & Tell

Happy Holidays!

Sorry I've been absent from my blog. It's so busy around Christmas time, trying to get things done. We got the Christmas tree (Santa's tree, my son likes to call it lol) late this year, normally have it up before 1st December but put it up last week. Also with all the things going on we forgot to get the kids chocolate advert calendars and then realised by the 5th but all out of stock everywhere we went. Upset about it as we get them every year. Instead we used the chocolate from the tree, each day they have one :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holidays so far!

Here is my long overdue stickers show and tell post.

These are the stickers I brought few weeks back and love them, so wanted to share them with you.

I brought these pretty dot stickers for my calendar and maybe use them to write dates on them.

Stickers are from Cosmic Stickers

I wanted to buy all the stickers from this shop! Just beautiful stickers here.
I brought some tab stickers, which are floral :)
I really love the weather stickers.
The beer stickers are for when my partner goes out to pub to play pool with his brother. So I like to track that as when he spends money, I get money he spent lol (we share money here! :) )

These stickers are from keena prints

These lovely stickers are from Karen pringle @ The Plump Planner

Calendar stickers and weather stickers from Plan With Jade

Lovely stickers from Pemberley Prints

Friday, 20 November 2015

Weekly Favourites [15/11/2015] Overdue

Sorry I am overdue with this blog post. I have been unwell and our car got hit while it was parked on Wednesday. So I keep going to try and write last weeks 'Weekly Favourites', but things keep getting in the way.

I brought a Silhouette cutting machine this week, haven't spend a lot of time playing with it yet, but can't wait to get making stickers, tabs, stencils and paper clips.

I brought mine from Amazon, here is the link - Silhouette cutting machine

Instagram people I've been stalking:

Bullet Journal blog posts:

Blog posts I've enjoyed reading:

Anyone tried Post crossing?? You send postcards around the world to random people. I tried it about a year and half ago and I would love to get back into it. Just to put a smile on someone's face is worth while :)

Etsy shops I have brought STICKERS from last week:
(Once all stickers arrive I will do a show and tell! So excited!!)

Other stickers from Etsy shops I like:

YouTube videos been watching:

Apps you'll want to check out:

Check out my last blog post: Mind Journal

Check out last weeks 'Weekly favourites': Weekly Favourites 08/11/2015

Click on the 'INDEX' tab to see all blog posts!

Please check out my book: My Life in a Book
Follow me on Instagram: (New account) Cherryblossomtreeuk
Say Hello to me on Facebook: Stephanie Stephenson

Come Join the facebook group 'Swap a box around the world'!
Currently the swap is Christmas swap. 
You can find the details on the facebook group and if you would like to sign up for the Christmas swap, the sign up closes Monday 23rd November (night uk time). 

Thanks for reading xoxo

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Mind Journal

Aswell as using my Bullet Journal daily (& my Brain dump notebook), I also use my Mind Journal.

Notebook I use: Leuchtturm1917 (A5 size) in Emerald colour. 

Why I wanted this 'Mind Journal' notebook seperate to my Bullet Journal:
This notebook is a lot more personal than my Bullet Journal, which means I wouldn't take it out of the house with me. 

So heres what I write in my 'Mind Journal' ...


Quotes & Inspiration pages
Bedtime Yoga 
Mood chart
On my mind
Balance of life (monthly)
Gratitude list
Mood boards
Life goals
List of things I love
Yoga workouts

Quotes & Inspiration pages -

I like to get my quotes and inspiration from Pinterest. I either write them down or print things off and stick it into the notebook. 

Here is a few of my Pinterest boards related to my Mind Journal:
Write in Mind Journal
Positive thinking/relax/the mind
Mindful/Positive thinking

Bedtime Yoga - 

I know bedtime yoga sounds silly (cause it did to me before I found a blog post and video on it). 

Its very relaxing before bed.

Here is the blog post and video I found on Bedtime Yoga - Click here!

Mood chart -

The Mood chart is good at tracking how stressed out I am, within the month. I have two very active young kids under 5 years old and I do feel that I get stressed out quite a bit. 

My colour code system:
Yellow - Happy
Blue - Sad
Green - Okay
Red - Angry
Orange - Stressed

Feelings/Thoughts -

I write down (daily if possible) all the feelings or thoughts I had that day. 

Things that have been playing on my mind or that I think a lot about. 

On my mind - 

I write down whats on my mind at that time.

I might take this out of the Journal as its similar to the 'Feelings/Thoughts' page. 

Suppose its more of a quick glance of whats been on my mind in that month. 

(Ignore the ugly doodle LOL)

Balance of life (monthly) -

I haven't quite figured out how this section is going to work just yet. 

This is what I have so far...

Gratitude list -

This is my favourite part in my Mind Journal. I love writing down what I'm grateful for that day. 

I write 5 things that I'm grateful for that day. Even the smallest of things. 

I also write a reason next to each one. 

Mood boards - 

I haven't started this section yet, so I have no pictures to show you. 

The idea is to collect pictures (maybe from Pinterest) and create a 'Mood board' on the page. Things that made you smile that month or favourites of the month, or even an inspiration page. 

Reflection -

I also haven't started this section as yet, so no pictures to show you. 

I'll have to do an update blog post when I finish the rest of the sections. 

Same with...

Life goals 
List of things I love
Yoga workouts

Apps -

Relax Melodies: Sleep & Yoga
Moodtrack Diary: Mood Tracker

So thats my Mind Journal! 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post & hopefully your here for my next blog post: 
Weekly Favourites [15/11/2015]. 

Check out last weeks blog posts: 

Weekly Favourites [08/11/2015]

Please check out my book: My Life in a Book
Follow me on Instagram: (New account) Cherryblossomtreeuk
Say Hello to me on Facebook: Stephanie Stephenson

Thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Weekly Favourites [08/11/2015]

This week I have been looking at the 'Happy planners - create 365'.  If you are not familiar with these, here is the link to the website. (Click here)

I actually ordered mine from Amazon as I live in the UK and I haven't seen them anywhere else. Here is the link to the one I ordered on Amazon.

I am not going to be using my Happy planner as a actual planner. I will do a blog post of how I'm going to use it as soon as it arrives.

Two other things I have ordered this week, is an Index card holder with index cards and a small desk weekly planner. I ordered the Index card holder from Paperchase and the small desk weekly planner from Amazon. 

I will do another blog post on how I will be using the Index cards. I am very excited!

The small desk weekly planner is going to be used to just quickly jot down what happens during the day. Sometimes I find it easier to jot things down quickly on something that's already open on my desk, rather than in a notebook that I have to get out my drawer.

Something I have been looking into this week is the GTD style (Getting things done). I do have the book (the old version), but I actually haven't read it all. 
Please check out my latest blog post - GTD - Planner weekly review

Lets jump into my weekly favourites this week! Please grab yourself a cuppa tea and sit, relax and read :)

Planners I was going to buy (instead of the Happy planner):
  • planner
  • Heidi swap memory planner
  • Heidi swap black and white planner (couldn't find it from UK, but think Anna Brim is selling the gold one, I believe)
  • Inkwell Press planner - which I don't think is available in the UK.

So here is some youtube videos that made me want these planners:

Blog posts I read up on about Index card system:

Inspiring pictures of pretty planners:

Instagram people I've started following:

Etsy shop found this week:

GTD (Getting things done) blogs that are good reads:

YouTube videos on GTD:

That's all this week! Thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday, 7 November 2015

GTD - Planner weekly review

So the week has ended and now its time to start 'weekly review' in your planner...
GTD style!

Firstly, questions to ask yourself:

Did you get things done on your to do list?
Any goals completed? or any closer to your goals?
Did you spend your time wisely? What did you do?
Have you learnt anything from the week?

Create an INBOX and OUTBOX:

Inbox - any mail that comes in that needs to be dealt with (I include penpal letters) / or even things that just needs to be sorted out in general

Outbox - things going out / to be posted / taken back to the shop etc...

  • Empty your head - I write things down in my A6 brain dump notebook
  • Empty INBOX or add dates to your calendar
  • Clean up emails/paper notes
  • Organise them by priority
  • If it takes five minutes - DO IT NOW!
  • Calendar update - schedule things that you need to get done for the next week
  • Write down things you need to get done in general

Create a weekly review checklist:
  1. Mark off completed actions
  2. Review action lists
  3. review calendar data
  4. review upcoming on calendar
  5. review waiting for list
  6. Review project list
  7. Review other checklists you may have
  8. Review someday/maybe lists
  9. Review goals
  10. Review ideas

Use the Trigger list to remind you of things that you may have forgotten

Here is an interesting video: GTD video

Thanks for visiting my blog xoxo

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Weekly Favourites [01/11/2015]

I noticed on some people's blogs that I've come across, do a 'weekly inspiration' blog post each week. So I was very inspired by a few of them blogs and decided to do a weekly favourites blog post myself. So every week on Sunday, I'll post up my weekly enjoyments. Things that I have been inspired by and also what I've been loving in that week. So they might be blog posts, youtube videos, phone apps, etsy favourites, instagram people and so on. 

Every 2 weeks, it will be a themed blog post. (Example: Topic being bullet journals, daily planning, weekly reviews, monthly habits etc...) If it is a themed blog post, I'll put the title up the top saying what the topic is. 

Here is this weeks enjoyments :)

Blogs I'm loving right now...
Seaweed kisses
A year to inspire
Boho Berry
Tiny ray of sunshine

Blog posts I have enjoyed reading this week:
Day 349 | Schedule
Day 359 | Full Happy Jar
How to make a journal index
Notebook stories - reviews on different notebooks
101 important life principles to live by every day
Your Happiness Lies in the Balance

Youtube videos I've been watching lately:
Anna Brim  - been enjoying her vlogs 
Pretty Neat Living - also enjoying Jennifer's vlogs too

Instagram feeds I'm nosing on:
live life and create
Boho Berry

Etsy - favourite shops at the moment:
Ink Obsession Designs
Lets Paper Up
Pellestudio - brought a Pelledori from this shop and I'm obssessed!

Phone apps I have found out about:
Sol Calendar app
Spotify - Great music app that only found out about lol

Excited about this shop online....

How I Use & Decorate 2 Planners: Halloween Edition| - Belinda Selene
DIY planner pockets
Anna Brim - Vlogtober videos

November Challenges I might try this month:
i-am-project novemeber challenge
paperlovestory - introducing-daily-listing

If you haven't already, please check out the review of my book that Anna Brim kindly did for me :)
My Life in a Book

Thank you so much for reading.
Have a beautiful day!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Morning pages? Not me!

Everyone keeps talking about 'Morning pages' in the journaling world! Me, I don't journal at all in the morning, I never have. When I was 9 years old, I started a small Barbie pink journal with a lock on the side. Even then, when starting journaling, I wrote at night before bed.

If you don't know what 'Morning pages' are, then check out the creator 'Julia Cameron' and her video: Morning pages. 'Morning pages' comes from Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's way. I actually haven't read the book, but I have watched the video as I was curious what everyone was talking about.

'Morning pages' have rules!
  1. Write every day
  2. Write when you get up in the morning
  3. Write 3 pages
  4. Write anything that you think of, without stopping
  5. Do not read your morning pages after when you have finish

I suppose it works as a brain dump, just writing to clear your mind?

(I actually do 'brain dump' in my A6 Leuchtturm1917 (emerald colour), but that's a notebook I use throughout the day time. So I can take it every where with me)

So like I said, I don't journal in the mornings. I have always done my journaling at night before bed. My mind is on fire at night, it does not stop thinking. So I have my 'brain dump' book for scribbling down anything that is in my mind. Then I write neatly (well I do try to write neatly lol) into my A5 Leuchtturm1917 (berry colour). My journal at the moment is more of the 'bullet journal' system, which I will do a blog post on soon. I also do 'mind journaling' in a A5 Leuchtturm1917 (emerald colour), which I'll talk about in another blog post.

Reasons why I journal at night:
  1. I finally get my 'me' time and can relax
  2. Its peaceful, kids gone to bed
  3. It clears my mind, ready for sleep
  4. I tend to think a lot at night, so write it all down
  5. Nice way to look at the day you had and be grateful (write down what I'm grateful for)
  6. I can write a 'to do' list for the morning
  7. Write down my feelings (mood I was in during the day)

Other blog posts related to 'morning pages':

Thanks for reading xoxo