Thursday, 29 October 2015

Morning pages? Not me!

Everyone keeps talking about 'Morning pages' in the journaling world! Me, I don't journal at all in the morning, I never have. When I was 9 years old, I started a small Barbie pink journal with a lock on the side. Even then, when starting journaling, I wrote at night before bed.

If you don't know what 'Morning pages' are, then check out the creator 'Julia Cameron' and her video: Morning pages. 'Morning pages' comes from Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's way. I actually haven't read the book, but I have watched the video as I was curious what everyone was talking about.

'Morning pages' have rules!
  1. Write every day
  2. Write when you get up in the morning
  3. Write 3 pages
  4. Write anything that you think of, without stopping
  5. Do not read your morning pages after when you have finish

I suppose it works as a brain dump, just writing to clear your mind?

(I actually do 'brain dump' in my A6 Leuchtturm1917 (emerald colour), but that's a notebook I use throughout the day time. So I can take it every where with me)

So like I said, I don't journal in the mornings. I have always done my journaling at night before bed. My mind is on fire at night, it does not stop thinking. So I have my 'brain dump' book for scribbling down anything that is in my mind. Then I write neatly (well I do try to write neatly lol) into my A5 Leuchtturm1917 (berry colour). My journal at the moment is more of the 'bullet journal' system, which I will do a blog post on soon. I also do 'mind journaling' in a A5 Leuchtturm1917 (emerald colour), which I'll talk about in another blog post.

Reasons why I journal at night:
  1. I finally get my 'me' time and can relax
  2. Its peaceful, kids gone to bed
  3. It clears my mind, ready for sleep
  4. I tend to think a lot at night, so write it all down
  5. Nice way to look at the day you had and be grateful (write down what I'm grateful for)
  6. I can write a 'to do' list for the morning
  7. Write down my feelings (mood I was in during the day)

Other blog posts related to 'morning pages':

Thanks for reading xoxo