Friday, 28 November 2014

'The Happy Project!' - The Happy Book.

Hello everyone & welcome back to the 2nd part of 'The Happy Project!'...

... The Happy Book!

I've always wanted a book (ONE BOOK) to fill up with all my favourite things. Example: Family photos, quotes and inspirational pictures.

Well I thought it would be fun to make my very own 'Happy Book'. A book of all the things that make me happy.

So heres the idea I had...

  • To buy a thick plain note book (pretty or plain & decorate it).
  • To buy sticky paper and sticky tape.
  • To buy some colourful pens and a nice black pen.
So we have 365 days in a year. I thought start the 'Happy book' in January 2015. Then I end up with 365 things stuck in the book and be nice to look back on the year and gives me something to smile about.

Every day stick / write / draw / doodle one thing into the book.

1st January - cut out of a dress I liked from a magazine 
2nd January - photo of my kids 
3rd January - wrapper from my favourite chocolate bar
4th January - Inspirational picture from Pinterest 
5th January - Writing in one of my favourite quotes 
6th January - Doodling a picture of me with a balloon 

Stick the things next to each other to make a pretty collage. So each page is a collage, so it doesn't look boring.

It could be anything, but it has to make you happy! It has to put a smile on your face. Nothing sad or depressing goes into this book.

You want this book to make you smile every time you open it up. It needs to cheer you up on a rainy or bad day. (|If you have kids, you could get them to do their own 'The Happy Book' too).

Here is a list of ideas of what your book could contain...
  • Photos
  • Pictures (ex: Pinterest)
  • Magazine cut outs
  • Wrappers (ex: sweets/chocolate)
  • Gift paper
  • Stickers
  • Stamps (Postage or Ink)
  • Quotes
  • Poems
  • Songs (or part of lyrics)
  • Happy mail
  • Menu
  • Tickets
  • Letters
  • Words/Sayings
  • What you did today (especially if its a special event)
  • Print things from the internet
  • Newspaper cut outs
  • Drawings
  • Doodles
  • Short stories
  • Questions
  • Receipts
  • Leaflets
  • Notes
  • What your grateful for
  • Reviews
Even if its a piece of wrapper from a chocolate bar that you ate that day, stick it into the book.

Here are some ideas of what photos to take...

  • Your happy place
  • Favourite things
  • Nature
  • Favourite colours
  • Your home
  • Family and friends
  • Yourself
  • Pets
  • Favourite places
  • Hobbies
Magazine cut out ideas...
  • Recipes
  • Short stories
  • Articles
  • Headlines
  • Pictures
  • Words
  • Adverts
You can get quotes from pinterest, instagram or we heart it website.

Things to draw/doodle...
  • Mood/faces
  • Weather
  • Hearts/Stars/Flowers
  • Cup of tea
  • Food
  • Earth
I will be posting a blog post called '365 Days - Take A Photo A Day!'.
I will be adding one idea a day (starting from January 1st) of what photos you could take.
You just choose the photos you want to take from the list, you don't have to do them all.

[Just an idea: It could just be a photo a day book, if you didn't want to do 'The Happy Book!' ]
[Or you don't have to do any! :) I'm not telling you to do it LOL ]

If you would like to share your pictures of your Happy Book, please check out the Facebook group I've created 'The Happy Project!' or CLICK HERE to take you there now.




{If you haven't checked out my new book yet, here is the link of the details. (click here) Also I would like to thank people who have brought my new book and hope you are enjoying it!}

Monday, 24 November 2014

The Happy Project! ... includes free insert.

Hi Everyone!

I created a FREE insert called 'The Happy Project!'   (A5 only ... sorry)


About the 'The Happy Project!'...
It is an insert to keep track of your HAPPINESS!!
All the categories are down the left side of the page.
You use this insert daily to track each category and mark it out if 5 (you can see the numbers on top of the page). You can either tick it, colour it in or use a coloured dot sticker. You could even colour code it for fun!

The numbers are up to 5. Here is the rating of what the numbers mean...
1. Stressed all the time
2. Unhappy - little stressed
3. Okay
4. Comfortable
5. Happy

The categories along with the meanings...
  • Love - Do you feel loved? Do you feel love for others? Do you like who you are? Do you have romance in your life?  
  • Family - Do you see your family enough? Do they make an effort with you? Do you have good relationships with your parents/siblings? Do you spend enough time with your children?
  • Money - Do you need to save money? Should you be spending less? Are you in debt with anything?
  • Health - Do you get enough exercise? Do you eat healthy? Do you feel healthy? Do you drink enough water?
  • Career - Do you know what type of career you would like? Do you enjoy your job? Do you ever feel stressed because of your job? Do you get paid enough? Are you a hard worker?
  • Social life - Do you have time for your friends? Do your friends have time for you? Do you make new friends?
  • Relaxation - Are you getting enough sleep? Do you find it hard to relax? Do you feel stressed often? Do you pamper yourself often?
  • Home - Do you like the area you live in? Is your home clutter free? Is your home relaxing? Is it tidy and organised? Is there enough light?
  • Fun - Are you creative? Do you have hobbies? Do you enjoy being out doors? Do you enjoy cooking? Are you having enough me time?
The point to this insert is to see what your life is like, who you are as a person and if you would like to change any parts of your life. Some things might be really simple to change and some might take weeks or even months. You will have an understanding of what you want out of life, and know if you are HAPPY!
Another way you could see this insert is to actually see your life changing. Noticing changes in your life as time just flies by.

It might help you to make a list of goals. You could make small goals first then more challenging as the weeks go by. I would start with a list of 5 goals each week (small to start with).

I hope you enjoy this insert and have fun with it. xoxo

Saturday, 15 November 2014

My Daily Routine & Storage


This is my Daily routine, accept on the days that I go out as I tend not to do much house chores on those days.

At the moment I am using a A6 planner from The Journal shop.
I am in love with it as I love the size, the feel of it and the layout of it.

I use my A6 planner as a journal mainly and a little bit of planning also. I use it everyday. I do tend to use it the same way as the Bullet journal with the codes, index and page numbers. Just helps me to find what I'm looking for.

I keep my Daily to dos at the front of this planner.
I have numbers next to each task, and I write the numbers out every day instead of the actual tasks. Then I tick off the numbers once I've done the task that it relates to.

Main Daily To Dos
- House chores
- Check calendar
- Beauty routine
- Mail - sort
- Spend tracker
- Journal

I tend to do my house chores in the morning, after a cup of tea. (I love my cup of teas :) )

I keep a monthly calendar in my A6 planner/journal, and make sure I look at it every day. Also keep my monthly tasks and my monthly goals on this page.

I have a monthly calendar colour code using coloured dot stickers (which I adore). I also stick the coloured dots on the daily pages when I need them also.

Colour code for monthly calendar:

Bigger dots -
Blue - Birthdays
Red - Appointments
Green - Events
Yellow - Holiday

Smaller dots -
Blue - School holidays
Green - Order Asda
Yellow - Public holiday

We also have a weekly calendar on the fridge along with a shopping list.
(When I go get my shopping, I take the shopping list and clip it into my A5 Filofax flex, to take with me.)

I had this weekly sheet custom made from Etsy from Polkadotposie.

On weekly sheet:
- Weather - I write this in so I know what the weather is like for the week, so I can plan things.
- Day column - I write events, appointments, etc..
- Dinner plans column - I write in the dinners were having for the week. (I meal plan as we buy fresh food and tends to go out of date on different days, I sort it in order so no food will get wasted)
- Weekly to dos - All things that need to get done in the week.
- Ideas list - projects, blog posts, dinners, things to do, etc...
- Shopping list - I use this list to put down items but not food items (as I have a separate one on the fridge for that)
- House chores list - I put down the days and what needs to be done -
I have a weekly house chores list (apart from the daily to dos which needs to be done every day).

Weekly to dos -
Monday - Bath room
Tuesday - Bed rooms
Wednesday - DUST
Thursday - Clean all kitchen appliances
Friday - Clean door handles, mirrors, windows, switches
Saturday - Just daily chores
Sunday - Vacuum (sweeping up gets done every day)

Beauty routine:
We all have our different routines. Long or short ;)

When the mail comes, I like to sort it out straight away so no junk around the house.
There is a blog post on this....please click here!

Spend tracker:
Lately I have been tracking our money as sometimes I don't know where it is going.
I have a A6 cash book and inside I have the date, item and cost laid out on the top of the page.
You can find this cash book on the website sticker stack.

I use a colour code system for this also. I just use my stabilo coloured pens to colour small squares next to the prices.

Colour code system for Cash book:

Green - Groceries
Orange - Petrol/car related
Yellow - Gas/electric
Red - MISC
Pink - Save
Purple - Take away
Blue - Nursery

I journal every day. I think its nice to have something to look back on. I've been journaling every since I was 9 years old.

Things in my journal -

Stick in:
Pictures from pinterest or a photo of the day (I love photos! I have tons of photo albums)

Write in:
Quotes - sometimes when the page is blank
What happened today
Review of the year at the back
Daily to dos - numbers only
Meal daily - B - Breakfast
                     L - Lunch
                     D - Dinner

Doodle in:
Borders and Zen doodles when bored really

I have a monthly tracker on graph paper. I don't stick it in the planner/journal, I just use a paper clip as I don't need it to be stuck down in there. (as I just throw it away later when not needed)
I have the titles on the side and numbers across the top. Then I colour in with just black pen the things I did on that day just to keep track of.

List of things I track:
- No junk food
- Water (I write in the number of glasses had)
- Dogs bath
- Asda ordered
- Dye hair (sounds silly, but I dye my hair every 8 weeks and like to see how long it was so can dye it again haha)
- Paid Sons nursery
- Take away
- Exercise
- Photo (I try to take one every day for my journal)
- Spend tracker

I also use a A5 Bullet journal inside my Filofax flex. (Keep my cash book and shopping lists and the weekly sheet inside the Filofax flex also)
The A5 Bullet journal is just for notes and reminders - basically its a brain dump. I tend to have it near me all the time and anything I need to write in there, I just quickly jot it down. Even if its a scribble or one word. I use the bullet journal codes so easy to track what's what. I transfer anything I need to write down in my A6 planner/journal just before I go to bed.

I've kept a Bullet journal for about a year now and I'm in love. I actually stopped using my Daily Filofax because of the Bullet journal. I use my Filofaxes for other uses now. (maybe another blog post ;) )

A6 planner = Planner/Journal
A5 Filofax flex = Bullet journal = Brain dump, cash book, weekly to dos sheets, shopping list sheets

...and I use these both every day.

Grocery lists at the back, clipped in for when I need them at the shops.

Now onto some storage things I have around my house that I love and want to share :)

Organising drawers, baskets, tubs, and anything else you can think of = easy life!!

You always know where everything is, it never gets lost!

 If you take something out, put it back.

 Everything has a home.

Favourite storage things:

- Junk drawer in the living room - toys get put in there when there just lying about on the floor and my son isn't playing with them. End of the day I put them into his bed room.

- Basket - I have a gorgeous wicker basket with handles on the sides. I use this before bed for a 10 minute pick up around the house of things that don't belong in the rooms. Then transfer the things in the right room, where they belong.

- Junk bowl - I have a junk bowl where little bits and pieces go. Batteries, small screw drivers and pennies and things I need to give back to family members, those things normally end up there. This bowl gets sorted at the end of the week (if I remember).

- The blue bowl - My partners keys, wallet, bank cards, extra money, gets put in there. (As he always lose things lol)

- We have a savings tin (for wedding fund unless we decide to go on a holiday lol) - its one of those tins where if you want the money out, you have to use a can opener. Best idea!

- Dining table items - We keep coasters, place mats, seasonings, and straws in a cupboard in the living room.

- Tubs labelled in the 1st kitchen drawer - (I love labelling things) Yankee candles, lighters, birthday candles, pens, chalk, first aid, headache tablets (lol), plasters, and bag clips.

- Tubs in 2nd kitchen drawer - sandwich bags, freezer bags, small bowls with lids, small jars, flask, lunch bag (for work) and pocket tissues.

- Baskets in kitchen under sink x 2 - 1. Sponges, dusters, scrub brushers, flash wipes, bin liners and bin bags.  2. Tea towels and small iron.

- Laundry baskets - We have a big laundry basket on top of the tumble dryer. Then small buckets with handles for each person in the house. When washing is all dry, it all goes into the big laundry basket first (in the morning). Then in the evening, normally while dinner is cooking, it all gets transferred in the right buckets. Then the buckets get transferred into the rooms and either I sort it out or my partner does.

I hope that all made sense. Any questions just comment below or email me

Thank you for reading xoxo

If you would like to see any other posts on my blog, please click here for the INDEX!

Also I would be so grateful if you could check out my new book on Amazon. Link to details on blog page. Please click here.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Inside my new book 'My Life In A Book'.

Hi everyone, I thought I would share with you the contents of what's inside my new book.
Just to give you an idea of what the book contains.

(sorry need to add that, people getting confused thinking the book is about my life)

On Amazon there is a 'see inside book' button now. Showing only a few basic pages. There is 232 pages inside the book.

If you want like to buy my book, click the links below...

It is now available to order on

It is now available to order on

It is now available to order on

It is now available to order on

It is now available to order on

It is now available to order on



Me, Myself & I                                                                     

10 Facts about me                                                               

My Personality traits                                                           

My Body                                                                               

Things I like about myself                                                

Things I don't like about myself                                      


Family & Pets                                                                      

Family tree                                                                          

My Partner                                                                          

My Children                                                                        


My Star sign                                                                        


Least Favourites                                                                 

Hobbies & Interests                                                                       

I LOVE...                                                                               

I HATE...                                                                               

Life goals                                                                              


Worst fears                                                                          



Child hood                                                                           




Ex Boyfriends/Girlfriends                                                

Being grateful                                                                     

Hobbies I've done/tried                                                    

Hobbies I want to try                                                         

Things I'd like to learn                                                      

Bucket list                                                                            





I am grateful for...                                                              



What's in my bag                                                                


Places to visit                                                                                  

What makes me happy                                                      

What inspires me!                                                              

Who do I admire?                                                              

Wish list                                                                               

My Life in A - Z                                                                   

Thoughts/views on...                                                         

If I were rich...                                                                     

The world needs...                                                              

The Perfect me                                                                    

My Dream home                                                                

The Best Birthdays ever                                                    


My Wedding day                                                                 

My Dream Wedding                                                                       

Reasons why I love...                                                          


What makes me...                                                               


Interested in...                                                                     

When I'm...                                                                          

Can you...?                                                                           

Do you...?                                                                             

Have you...?                                                                         

This or that                                                                          

Favourite brands                                                                


TV shows                                                                              




Favourite songs                                                                  

Perfect play list                                                                   


The Internet                                                                        






What I keep in my Memory keepsake box                     

What's inside my Planner/Organiser...                         

Best things about being a child/an adult                                  

Things I can't live without...                                             

Reasons to start.../Reasons to quit...                              

Best feelings in the world...                                                          

My life in chapters                                                              

Where am I?                                                                        

Future self                                                                           

Top 10 lists                                                                           


Write a song about your life                                            

Time line of my life                                                            

Lessons I've learnt in life                                                  

Favourite quotes                                                                

Things to add...